Replace the rear tire profile affairs, KLX 150 is more difficult. Therefore, the rear tire profile KLX 150 collided circuitry construction problems swing arm made of precision alias miser for the spelling. Want to change the wheel ring 17 'aja-think the thought. Not about the budget!. If a flat tire, roughly tire collision with the bridge not swing arm. Danger also, do not-for mending concentration mikirnya see the terrain ahead.
Now turn to Daniel Tangka of padepokannya region Gribig Ki Ageng, Malang for-for science. At the rear wheels KLX-150 kroser senior is wearing a black rubber ex KLX 250 brands Dunlop D 605 G profiles 100 / 100-18 "combined with Excel rims 250-18".

Modif fashion with the appearance of the legs by Daniel rightly so. Therefore, the greater its rear wheels, burst speed is more agile when used adventure, especially when the incline or fall. Here too there mengefesiensikan effect transfer engine power to the wheels, the engine power so easily dikail more wild.

Why must wear a ring 18 "with standard swing arm condition KLX-150? Turning to an inch, 2 inch difference when converted to centimeters is equal to 5 cm. So we need the spelling backwards axle KLX-150 as of 6 cm. "It is similar to the position of retractable axle stuck to the rear and additional 2 cm coakan backward," pointed out Daniel.

But the condition of the axle as it was not a pretty sight, because they say too mucuk Java. As a workaround, I add the same berpenampang plate with profile swing arm, then welded and finished by grinding. Extra length to the rear plate 3 cm. "And I'm doing this modif including safety, because it has been tested adventure in the hills Panderman, Stone," believes Daniel. pid

Not appropriate if KLX-150 still left with the factory default gas holder. Not matching. For less agile, so it is special spirit minus engine (SE). Header from a fierce power so imperceptibly? "Create a new beginners Geber KLX-150, can replace the gas holder with the kind of cash that crowded gas retailed at speedshop," said Wahid mechanics mods home Aneka Jaya Motor in Rungkut Kidul Industry 10, Surabaya.

But, specifically the installation of cash KLX-150 gas No special tricks needed to be done. Given the difference in the end of the cable seling gas, it is associated with different types of carburetor. KLX-150 vacuum type carburetor wear and require naple at its end, being the usual retractable with a conventional carburetor type of gas cash. How does his trick? just follow the steps below Wahid;

Provide naple secondhand suits bars to hook into the carburetor accelerator lever KLX-150. Naple was grinding in accordance with the mounting holes on the accelerator lever. Then add the hole in the vertical direction in accordance with the size of the cable cross gas.

Note also the free length interspersed with cable wrapping. Therefore, the construction carburetor vacuum, alternating free length is more delayed and needed to free the spelling suits handsgrip. The trick exfoliate gas alternately wrapping cord 2.5 cm. Watch out, so that no defect alternating use grinding aid on the one hand to get a better result.

Having obtained the free length cable alternating gas in accordance with Orsi KLX-150, now for the spelling suits Make a gas. The material can wear speling former gas suits motorcycle. But there can be used directly, should be cut first part comes straight drat and fields. Sections were mounted on top, enlarging the hole first. To be more precise gas cable holder and does not affect the spelling suits free handgrip. | pid

FIND THE ANGLE REAR BRAKE MASTER THE MOST RESPONSIFMaster brake always been the target changed when ciet rear disc models. The holder is always proportional to the setup mempernyaman foothold on the brake pedal. But the master brake is still dikangkangi Nissin products. It was on the market of its kind, ranging ori, KW1, KW2, KW ... etc. But now becoming popular, if affairs Nissin master modifmania always buy ex-owned mopang that bercakram behind. As has CS-1, Shogun 125 SP, New Tiger and Tiara 120.

Back to the matter of setting the corner of the master, if we follow the construction of the installation of each master on his motorcycle wearing, average lot who apply an upright position with a tolerance of a slope on either side of 50 degrees.

"When dissected further, master angle angular position as it is more stable and safer for braking," explained Ayung of Rayya Perkasa Motor modif home, at Jl. Kalibutuh 131, Surabaya. He added that, because oil stocks in the brake master brake tube is more stand by and not flowing occupy the void space in the tube. "And as the caliper operating the hydraulic power source, can not get to experience the emptiness of brake fluid," he remembers.

And not surprisingly, the position of the rear brake master a more horizontal, his response was at all times and must need to pump its first 2 to 3 times as needed. "Sure it was not felt directly by consumers, given the tradition of braking we have always done repeatedly pedal when stopping the motor speed," believes the man who earned the S2 in Ausiesource

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