Within a few days I tried to do a test on fuel consumption 'The Grasshopper Tempur' Kawasaki KLX 150L I have. How is the result?

The Grasshopper Combat is still in standard conditions and only five months. Purchase this bike is done at the end of April 2014 ago. In a fuel consumption test I am using full method to the full with fuel Pertamax or RON 92. Riders are myself weighing 60 kilograms with a height of 180 centimeters.

First, the fuel tank I filled with PERTAMAX until full. Do not forget to record the numbers listed in the current oddometer (5083.4 kilometers). Then, Si Grasshopper Tempur used for everyday activities with a driving style that is very normal in the city of Surabaya, both day and night. Sometimes choked jammed with a speed of 30-40 km / h, sometimes can be lauched at speeds up to 80 kilometers / hour if road conditions allow. After a few days of use, the fuel tank is filled full back at the pump for similar Pertamax 2.55 liter, while the numbers listed in oddometer in fueling this second is 5181.8 kilometers.

Well, now we can calculate how much the fuel consumption is KLX 150L. The calculation method is reduced by the last digit oddometer oddometer figures on petrol before filling. Then the result is divided by the amount of fuel that is loaded last.

Mileage = 5181.8 kilometers - 5083.4 kilometers = 98.4 kilometers
Fuel consumption = 98.4 kilometer / 2.55 liter = 38.58 kilometer / liter
From the calculations it is seen that the fuel consumption Kawasaki KLX 150L is 38.58 kilometers / liter. That is, with a fuel tank capacity of 7 liters, Kawasaki KLX 150L can travel as far as 270.06 kilometer for one refueling.

Nonetheless, the result is not absolute and it may be different from the others Kawasaki KLX 150L. The difference can be influenced by various factors, such as the condition of the engine, tire pressure, weight of the rider, driving character, road conditions, type of fuel, and many other factors. Well, according to the uncle and aunt, the result was already quite economical or not to 150cc motorcycles still use carburetors these?source

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